To upload react app on git hub with the link:
PermalinkStep 1:
PermalinkMake a 404.html file in the public folder
PermalinkStep 2:
PermalinkCopy this block of code into the index.html Public folder itself
PermalinkStep 3:
PermalinkNow go to the src folder → index.js (for React router dom)
PermalinkStep 4:
PermalinkGo to package.json and paste this line after the name line having the link of your GitHub repo.
PermalinkStep 5:
PermalinkNow run this command in your terminal
PermalinkStep 6:
PermalinkAdd these commands in your package.json
PermalinkStep 7:
PermalinkCommit all of your data on the git hub
PermalinkStep 8
PermalinkNow deploy your website by running this command
PermalinkUse the image given below for no further problems